Our fully qualified team based in Devon offer a wide range of countryside services in South Devon and surrounding areas. From habitat management to the installation of countryside infrastructure, we are sure to have the perfect service for you. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you require any additional information about our countryside services.

Whether you've got a woodland, small-holding, a farm, or an estate, it's likely you've considered what you can do to improve your land for wildlife. We've advised landowners across Devon on how best to maximise biodiversity on their land. You may already know what needs doing and are looking for a qualified contractor to carry out the work. Perhaps you have scrub encroaching onto a valuable wetland, or you would like to start a coppice regime in your woodland, eradicate an invasive species such as rhododendron or laurel, or control bracken. We have the experience and qualifications to effectively and efficiently achieve these goals.

Hedges are an incredibly important farmland habitat. Devon's network of hedges is one of the reasons that we are the last stronghold for species such as greater horseshoe bats and cirl bunting. We can advise you on the best way to manage your hedges, whilst we can also carry out any work required including hedgelaying in the traditional Devon style, coppicing overstood hedges and replanting gappy hedges. We can also advise on any potential funding available to help with the cost.

We can install or help maintain your countryside infrastructure. We specialise in smaller-scale fencing in more sensitive areas, such as wetlands or woodlands; we are able to fell and mill timber on site to create rustic bridges; improve access in wet areas with boardwalks; quoining or stone-facing of hedge banks; gates and stiles.

Woodlands are highly valuable ecosystems that contain some of the greatest biodiversity of any habitat type. Woodland ownership is also becoming increasingly popular, whether as an investment or a way of doing some good for climate change and wildlife. If you own a woodland and need help managing it, we're able to help.
Maybe you are receiving a woodland improvement grant and need help with thinning, haloing, coppicing, or ride management; or you simply need the occasional fallen tree removed. We have managed SSSI ancient woodland for Field Studies Council, worked with Woodland Trust to eradicate invasive species at Ausewell and Shaptor Woods, as well as managing many small woodlands for private landowners across South Devon.

Within our team, we have three years of experience advising land owners on how best to manage their land for wildlife. This includes applying for funding such as EWCO and Countryside Stewardship applications, Ancient Woodland Assessments, and all forms of habitat management planning.
We also provide GIS and mapping services. We have worked with Woodland Trust to map the extent of rhododendron and laurel on a number of their Devon woodlands. For more information on these services, please get in touch.